Whinny Nicker Neigh – Mountain Mustangs


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Product Description

It was while hiking in the high mountain deserts of central Idaho that Shellby Young first caught sight of the state’s wild mustangs. Her imagination fired, Shellby spent two years learning and photographing the Challis herd in the Boulder White Clouds wilderness before she began “Mountain Mustangs,” the second book in her Whinny Nicker Neigh series. This artistic tribute to the horses of the American West brings awareness to the spirit, beauty and fascinating lives of our wild mustangs.

The Wild Free Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971, ensures the protection and management of these animals. Find links to learn more, adopt or sponsor a wild mustang at: www.shellbypublishing.com.


Freeze brands

The government uses freeze brands to identify wild horses that have been gathered from the rangelands. The painless liquid nitrogen brand is applied to the left side of the neck and follows the International Alpha Angle system, which uses a series of angles and alpha symbols that cannot be altered. The brand contains the registering organization, year of birth, and registration number.